Ideas to Impact Blog

Spotlight: Building an Army for Freedom

Leadership Program of the Rockies (LPR) trains local leaders in Colorado to learn how visionary, principle-centered leadership can positively impact their community. Through an intensive, nine-month course of study tailored to mid- to late-career professionals and retirees, LPR teaches leaders to apply and share American founding principles in an array of legal, economic, business, political, nonprofit, and civic professions.

Spotlight: Building an Army for Freedom

Director of Network Engagement and 2015 LPR alumna Stephanie Muth shared with Impact Conference attendees several dramatic member turnarounds seen through the program. One such story featured Melissa, a woman from Boulder who began asking more questions as her liberal friends became more illiberal during the pandemic. At LPR, she learned more about the reasoning and history behind her more conservative intuitions, and today, as Stephanie put it:

“Now she’s a woman on fire, spreading these ideas to others. She’s not afraid. . . She’s persuasive. . . She recommended over seventeen women for the next class.”

Each LPR class is limited to sixty-five participants to foster collaboration and maximize interaction among students and presenters. Most alumni join an active network—an army for freedom of more than 2,200 members—that brings the ideas of liberty into all corners of society.

By focusing on a broad range of backgrounds and established and retired professionals, LPR alumni are positioned to have a more immediate impact than college students, as important as it is to similarly form the next generation for impact. With support from The Bradley Foundation and Impact Fund community, LPR has welcomed fellows from seventeen states in recent years, highlighting the need to grow their reach: they now have a program in Connecticut and are working with leaders in Wisconsin to bring a program to the Great Lakes region.